Data Insights for Making Better Procurement Choices - Rasmus Elsborg-Jensen - IMPA London SAVE Conference 2023
September 13, 2023

On 12 September 2023, IMPA London held its now landmark procurement conference in the heart of Westminster, this year hosted under the umbrella of IMPA SAVE.
Rasmus Elsborg-Jensen, CEO & Founder of ReFlow and part of the IMPA SAVE Council delivered a presentation brimming with the all-important data backing the IMPA SAVE campaign against single-use plastic drinking water bottles.
IMPA London - one maritime procurement event to rule them all. The International Marine Purchasing Association's longest running event, now around for more than four decades, brings together key decision makers from some of the largest ship-owners and -operators with maritime suppliers and manufacturers from more than 60 countries. Find out more about the next one:
IMPA SAVE was founded in 2020 and brings members from the industry together, aiming to create opportunities not only to share knowledge on better, more sustainable practices and alternatives, but also to motivate each other to be better stewards of our oceans through committing and regular impact reporting. Find out more: